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Huawei nova 2s - Comments

29/01/2019 12:00
Source: JKTEAM Store

Bundle:Glass Film as Gift Color:6GB 64GB Blue AL00

Conclusions: A good phone if it's King. and other features.
03/01/2019 12:00
Source: Shenzhen Pophong Store

Bundle:Film n TPU Case Gift Color:6G 64G Gray

Conclusions: All great, cool phone, it works, the language has changed quite easily, when ordering, please pay attention to the type of encoding Network
12/11/2018 12:00
Source: J&K Technology CO.,LTD

Bundle:Glass Film as Gift Color:4GB 64GB Black TL00

Conclusions: Проверила, телефон полностью работает спасибо продавцу что указал на коробке цену 9,5$ чтоб телефон не украли хотя я не просила)
26/09/2018 12:00
Source: Shenzhen Pophong Store

Bundle:Film n TPU Case Gift Color:4G 64G Black TL

Conclusions: Zamovlyav one I the same aparat from tsogo dvіchі. Purshia time not нарахувався cashback when zamovlennі to vіdmіniv zamovlennya I check Tyzhden on Povernennya koshtіv. Ризикнув I suddenly deputies TL versіyu sama in tsogo, yak has been viewed naynizhcha Cena ($250) I normally rating. After Reading vіdgukіv about those scho vіdpravka yde ненажерливою new why-очканув, списався s sell I asking vіdpraviti why Сингапуру. Vіdpravlyati bezkoshtovno Singapore sell залупився, vistaviv meni rakhunok for shipping $6. Зторгувався s him for $2,40. Bіlsh on рахунку pennies not Bulo :) Blizko troh tizhnіv to Of Kyiv, забирав on poshtі. Очкував for customs, Ale carried-package not вскривався, all doїhalo іdealno in "матрасі". Seller doklav Shte one silіkonovy bumper I Chorny захисне Sklo.
26/09/2018 12:00
Source: Shenzhen Pophong Store

Bundle:Film n TPU Case Gift Color:4G 64G Gray TL

Conclusions: fast shipping approximately took 5 days, and the phone is in great condition, I can't wait to test it.
21/09/2018 12:00
Source: J&K Technology CO.,LTD

Bundle:Glass Film as Gift Color:4GB 64GB Black

Conclusions: My impression. Case, which included. Super! For more than a month. The quality is good. About the firmware. Then заминачка. I was on worked perfectly. Left New пач on, size was about 0.75 gigabytes. And then came to about 2,70 GB. I decided to resknut, although the seller had warned not updated, more problems with network in the firmware. as you can see the screenshot, updated. Network, as was true. But Google stopped all open. Writes a mistake. Simply does not open, not Google shop, not card, chrome flies and disrupted programs all. Guys DON 'T ADVISE CONVINCING TO MOVE THIS FIRMWARE ( Better, or wait or through application Firmware Finde… set I think, though don't know it will be better. So вовсём phone decent. The super! Fast charging. As observed, that for an hour to 100% charged. With the camera even understand. There are many chips. Excellent sound from him.
11/09/2018 12:00
Source: J&K Technology CO.,LTD

Bundle:Glass Film as Gift Color:4GB 64GB Gray

Conclusions: Smart Phone just a fairy tale sociable take not regret it but do not sleep update the 192 firmware will fly net Prodovtsa and store recommend
02/07/2018 12:00
Source: Shenzhen Pophong Store

Bundle:Film n TPU Case Gift Color:4G 64G Black TL

Conclusions: Glass is not bad, but gluing only around the edges. Sits easily, but the screen glare. Easily beating and crack. However good olefobnoe cover, fingerprints deleted instantly. A Little Expensive.
15/04/2018 01:54
Source: Shenzhen Pophong Store

there is

Conclusions: there is a lot of not uninstallable china bloatware on it. annoying.
19/01/2018 10:47
Source: Shenzhen Pophong Store

Good product fast delivery

Conclusions: Good product fast delivery.. Seller reply fast

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