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Discussion about Xgody D22

Adam Moss

Threads: 1
Posts: 1
09/12/2018 04:13
My new Xgoby d22 isn't working with my cricket wireless as far as the internet data how do I fix this. I'm located in Los Angeles California u u say that this phone supports cricket wireless . 323-387-8405 call me names Adam. Thanks

Threads: 6
Posts: 438
10/12/2018 10:40
My new Xgoby d22 isn't working with my cricket wireless as far as the internet data how do I fix this. I'm located in Los Angeles California u u say that this phone supports cricket wireless . 323-387-8405 call me names Adam.

According to the characteristics provided by the manufacturer, the phone must work.

I advise you to check APN  settings https://bestmvno.com/apn-settings/cricket-wireless-apn-settings/

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