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Cheerson Cx 10w - Comments

Page number 2
27/05/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: If you do break a prop make sure to install the right one. There are two extra for CW and two for CCW directions and if you break one make sure you know the direction or the quad will give plenty of frustration, otherwise lots of fun.
26/05/2016 02:49
Source: TinyDeal

i recommand this product, so nice, and small. but hard to control. thanks a lot. i give 5star....

Conclusions: i recommand this product, so nice, and small. but hard to control. thanks a lot. i give 5star.
08/05/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Can't believe the quality of the camera. Great toy. Shipped quickly.
07/05/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Moscow came the order quickly, all happy, I recommend .
05/05/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Cool stuff, only to get used to the management. prishlo quickly, thank you seller. excellent.
30/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Great well done arrived but broken motor . I played with this aboit 2 days . Now she rest in peace
28/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: all packed well, in a box factory and pupyrkah. track tracked everywhere, gregarious salesman. I recommend both seller and product. drive current nada hand.
27/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Nice and very small drone, works fine; very durable so far; rather good camera. Flies on one charge just a few minutes, but recharges from USB within 30 min. 
25/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: I got a free then, for 0.01c (it is somewhere in the 70 cents with free shipping) super миникоптер!! with the phone app downloaded appstore (ios) flying 5-6 minutes. quickly worn down screws if on the wall шваркается. but i am very satisfied. thank you! great product!
24/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: that was my third mini drones. ı like all of them. But you can damage its propelers easly.
23/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Everything seems fine, other than that it just is not controlled, tested in an empty space without wind where or send to fly, it is simply impossible, flies which pleases, even if you press just fly...
19/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Received quickly. Seller very responsive and professional. Product work fine (just really hard to control...)
17/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: It came quickly. everything works. quality video and photos are very good, I think. on one charge for 3-5 minutes. is not protected blades best to book directly interchangeable. complete four spare.
16/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: As in the picture, mini toy)) charging is not long enough and so perfectly for the money will go
15/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Goods come in one piece. all good flies only little need to learn to manage. I have a helicopter first. funny thing. small, compact. thank you seller.
14/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Received quickly enough. everything is fine. helicopter flying
09/04/2016 12:00
Source: GearBest

extreme tiny FPV WifI Quadcopter

Advantages: micro Quadcopter WiFi Live Video Controls by smartphone Indor flying
Limitations: no transmitter included low resolution of video battery not removable
07/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Nice product!! it is an excellent way to try a good drone for a good price, I really love it!! also the camera is much better than expected.
05/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: Works nicely, control without lag, sometimes does not connect the video mode. allows you to PHOTOS
04/04/2016 12:00
Source: TOMTOP

Cheerson CX-10W Wifi FPV Drone Mini RC Quadcopter

Conclusions: very quick delivery. It was roughly 3 weeks. item as described. Flying pretty well. Camera is surprisingly sharp

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